Need Help Finding Parts?
Time Is Money
We believe the old saying, “time is money”. Repairs cost both time and money. That’s why we stock a complete inventory of heads. Our heads fit Bush, Hosmer, Precision, Beloit, Morbark, and just about any standard-make equipment that you use. Our Morbark replacement head has a removable shaft.
So when there’s a replacement part needed, such as, a debarker head replacement tool (carbide or hard surface), shaft and hardware, feed roll, etc. – check with us first. Chances are, we can give you the exact part that you need faster and cheaper than anyone you’ve done business with. And our carbide-tipped debarker heads will last longer, too!
Forest Tool sales Company sets the standards of the industry in supplying carbide wear parts that offer the very best in performance and craftsmanship. Our special process in carbide plating prevents steel erosion. Tools can be sharpened when dull and retipped as necessary.
It is a generally accepted fact that carbide-tipped wear parts have a life ration of 20 to 1 over welded surfaces and other hard surfaces.